Neck Lift

A Neck Lift (Cervicoplasty = removing excess skin and/or Platysmaplasty=tighten loose neck muscles) is a surgically method that tightens and lifts saggy / baggy neck and double chin skin to receive a smoother, firmer, and more youthful appearance to the neck.

This surgery type typically is performed as an outpatient procedure under general anaesthesia. Depending on the condition of the patient a 1 night overstay at the hospital is may required.

The post-operational process including recovery and expectable operative consequences varies as well as the process may show differences in general and/or detail from patient to patient. The general recovery for most patients of good health and expectable operative consequences are listed as follows. Please notice that the general recovery and/or expectable operative consequences are not limited to the mentioned below.

Mild to moderate pain; swelling; visible bruising and a tight feeling. Tight feeling remains for up to several months.

The average of patients are able to return to their job and daily routine typically 2 weeks post-operative.

You should schedule at least 7 days starting from the day of surgery before returning to your home country.

We would appreciate to inform you at TALYA MEDICAL CENTER about more details of a treatment.

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