Arm Lift

An Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) is a surgically procedure to reshape and improve the contour of the upper arms and connecting area of chest wall. Brachioplasty is often used to address issues such as excessive loose skin or excessive fat in the arms when it does not respond well to diet and exercise. Brachioplasty is a common procedure for patients who have experienced massive weight loss.

There are a variety of different techniques used by plastic surgeons for brachioplasty; also considering the initial situation of the patient. Brachioplasty can be combined with other forms of body-contouring surgery, including suction-assisted lipectomy, or other elective surgeries.

Incisions will be made on the undersides of your arms while length and pattern will depend on how much skin will be removed. After the incisions are made, the plastic surgeon will tighten the underlying tissues and secure them with stitches. Depending on the level of the initial situation and the planned result the surgeon might also use a suction technique to remove fat (liposuction). Afterwards the skin will then be draped over the new contours and excess skin will be removed. Stitches or surgical tape will be used to close the incisions.

This surgery types are typically performed under general anaesthesia and a 1 night overstay at the hospital is required for monitoring the first hours after the surgery.

The post-operational process including recovery and expectable operative consequences varies as well as the process may show differences in general and/or detail from patient to patient; also in reference to the procedure performed.

After an arm lift, lifting arms above shoulder level for three to four weeks should be avoided as well as physical and sportive activities which are related with the arms for at least four to eight weeks after surgery.

Pain medication is may needed as well as topical or oral antibiotics in order to prevent infections.

You should schedule at least 7 days starting from the day of surgery before returning to your home country.

We would appreciate to inform you at TALYA MEDICAL CENTER about more details of a treatment.

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