Trifocal Lenses are the latest technical achievement in the field of artificial eye lens transplantation.

In contrast to their predecessors; monofocal (single focus) and multifocal (two focus) lenses; the trifocal (three focus) lenses are able to establish the vision for all three levels of vision: far, middle and the close view. However, both eyes need to be operated for the lenses to work properly.

At TALYA MEDICAL CENTER, we have successfully performed numerous cataract operations using monofocal lenses every week since its foundation, and with the developement of lens technology, we have been successfully performing trifocal lens transplantation for domestic and especially foreign patients since years.


Based on the cataract surgery method, in which; with the method to be explained later; the anterior sheath of the nucleus and the nucleus of the ophthalmic lens is removed and an artificial lens is inserted.

Before the Surgery, an extensive eye check-up is carried out, to which a biometric measurement is added. With this measurement, the values of the lenses to be used are calculated using numerous algorithms.

Although if this is a outpatient surgery method, there are risks for which reason both eyes will not be operated at once by our doctor. Between the surgeries should be at least 3, optimally 4 days.

  • In general, the eye is anesthetized with drops and the pupil is dilated for surgery.
  • The operation is performed with the Deco-PHACO procedure (without suture). Only in rare cases, the 3 small cuts must be sewn.
  • After removal of the anterior sheath and the nucleus of the lens of the eye, the artificial lens specially adapted to your values ​​is inserted.
  • The sections are then pressure-tested and treated with antibiotic drops.



  • Trifocal IOL, Intraocular Lenses, will make it possible for you to see near, mid and long distance without the need of any visual supports like glasses and/or contact lenses.
  • Since the surgery is based on the cataract surgery method, the future occurrence of a cataract is excluded to 100 %.

Risks & Disadvantages:

  • As with any surgery, there is a risk of infection. For preventive treatment, the eyes are treated with eye drops directly after the operation. You will need to use the prescribed medicaments for the following weeks after the surgery according to the schedule setup by your doctor.
  • Formation of oedema; which can be treated with medication.
  • Very rare and more often seen with older patients: during the surgery the lens can fall into the vitreous due to the weakened structure of the lens suspension in the eye. Surgical intervention is necessary to remove the lens.
  • In rare cases; in the months / years after the operation, a so-called "secondary cataract" (Cataracta secundaria) can develop. This usually happens more often with older than with younger patients. The lens' capsule is polished during the operation and is clear and transparent. However, there might be a cell growth, especially in the posterior capsule area, which is usually associated with a deterioration in vision. The secondary catract" can be treated painlessly in a few minutes with a special laser (YAG laser). The risk of this treatment is in rare cases a development of a retinal detachment. Laser treatment is sometimes not possible with massive secondary cataract formation. With a relatively low-risk surgical intervention,the secondary cataract can be removed without a problem. Rebuilding of a secondary cataract is rare.


You will be able to see much more clearly the day after the surgery, even if the pupils may not be back to their original state. Even if the incisions are tight without sutures immediately after surgery, you should avoid physical work/effort for two to three weeks. After eight weeks, the artificial lens has solidified in the eye.

For the first two to three weeks, the following is also prohibited:

  • Heavy physical activity
  • Rub and/or squeeze the operated eye/s
  • Swimming pool and/or sauna
  • Dirty or dusty environments
  • Gatherings of people

Reading and observing is allowed, as well as lifting up to five kilograms. Usage of medicaments should continue as prescribed. The day after the operation, the operated eye must be examined by our eye doctor.

As a foreign patient, you should plan at least 7-9 work days starting with and for the preliminary examination, surgeries for both eyes and the necessary minimum numberof follow-up checks.

The TALYA MEDICAL CENTER team is always available to answer all your questions.

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