
LASIK : Laser- ASsisted In Situ Keratomileus; It consists of the initials of the definition of shaping the cornea with the help of Laser.

LASIK method consists of 2 main stages:

First stage; flap (valve) formation from the corneal layer,

Second stage; reshaping the corneal layer by excimer laser according to the examination results.


  • 1- It is performed by MECHANICAL KERATOME called blade method.
  • 2- It is performed by the blade-free method, FEMTOSECOND LASER.
  • Blade laser surgery has the following disadvantages;
  • There is an intraoperative possibility of irregular flap or flap laceration,
  • It poses a risk in patients with thin cornea,
  • The thickness of flaps is variable,
  • Lasik treatment cannot be performed in patients with high powers,
  • It has a higher risk in the development of dry eyes due to excimer laser.
  • Blade-free Femtosecond Laser has the following advantages;
  • Treatment opportunity in patients with thin cornea,
  • Ability to form flaps in desired thickness,
  • Lasik treatment opportunity in patients with high powers,
  • Low risk of development of dry eyes.


In Excimer laser treatment, the thinner the flap the thicker the underlying corneal tissue following laser treatment is significant in terms of the safety and success of treatment.

In blade Laser, there is a risk for patients with thin cornea or those with borderline corneal thickness since the thickness of flap cannot be calibrated.

In blade-free Laser, flap formation in desired thickness provides a significant advantage in terms of the safety and success of treatment.

You will be informed for more details about EYE LASER TREATMENT by TALYA MEDICAL CENTER international patients' team

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