The latest and 3rd Generation of Excimer Laser Technology is the ReLEx-SMILE method.

While there is in general no chance for treatment of high numbered vision disorders and of dry eyes; even with Femtolasik method; these patients have the chance for a eye laser treatment with ReLEx-SMILE method now.

SMILE is the shortance for: SMall Incision Lenticular Extraction, in other words small incision lenticular laser.


ReLEx-Smile technique is based on removing only a small lenticular tissue from within the cornea. The lenticular tissue is build by a Femtosecond Laser accordingly to the manifested numbers of vision defect and then removed through the small incision of 2-3 mm by the surgeon. (As may be seen above)

As ReLEx-Smile is a treatment performed without making an classic large incision and forming a flap in the cornea; this method represents a very important development in medicine; especially for patients with high numbered vision disorders and patients with dry eyes in order to protect the cornea itself.

ReLEx-Smile technique causes just a minimal damage to the cornea and not damaging biomechanical structures of the cornea as with the minimal incision eye nerves are protected; which contributing the generation of tear fluid and therefrom pain while and after the surgery as well as a dry eye are prevented.

The ReLEx-Smile method gained achievements for patients who were not suitable for the older laser treatment methods; as the original gradient of the cornea gets not destroyed as well as the top of the carnea gets not weakened.

ReLEx-Smile technology is a minimal traumatic laser method.
ReLEx-Smile Eye Laser Treatment is performed in one step and by single Visumax Femtosecond Second Laser.

Since ReLEx-Smile Lasik method uses a Femtosecond Laser, the possibility of regression of eye vision disorder is uncommonly compared to any other of the methods.

ReLEx-Smile method is applicable to patients with myopia up to -10 and patients with myopic astigmatic eyes up to - 5.

ReLEx-Smile Lasik method is more suitable for patient with thin corneas. Recovery and final result are very close to untouched natural eyes in short period of time.

Due to the protection of the biomechanical structure of the cornea, ReLEx-Smile is a preferable method for patients, who do heavy sports and also occupational groups, which may be exposed to mechanical impacts such as policemen and soldiers etc.
Sports may be done in 72 hours.

All developments provided by the technology progress, are of course equally reflected within the devices in the field of health & medicine.

Patients selected by prior Eye Laser Treatment Suitability Examination, which is performed by a doctor, are always satisfied with the results.

ReLEx Smile technology is only performed in Talya Medical Center in Antalya and in Turkey's Mediterranean Region. Knife technology, in other words keratome is not used in our centre since 2010.

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