Laser Eye Technologies


Is a technology in which UV light (ultraviolet invisible light) of 193 nm is generated from the electrical excitation of the gases argon and fluorine. The corneal layer can be modeled with a sensitivity of 0.25 microns.

Excimer laser technology has been used for over 20 years as an alternative to glasses and contact lenses for treating refractive errors (myopia, hypermetropia, and astigmatism).

In our center, we use ALCON WAVELIGHT X500 Excimer laser device.

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WAVE-FRONT TECHNOLOGY is an individually programmable laser method. The image of the light rays forming on the person's retina is transmitted to the Excimer laser device using the Wasca analysis device. In standard laser systems, the eye is accepted as a plane, and uniform energy is applied everywhere. However, the eye is not a standard flat surface, and irregular areas may show refractive differences. Due to the curvature in the outer area of the eye, the reflected amount of energy is compensated.

Thus, the real optical zone is ensured.

For regional irregularities, there is an additional laser increase, forming an optimal optical surface.

This method is preferred for individuals with large pupils and night vision problems, as well as patients who have difficulty with light scattering after a laser procedure.

TOPOLYZER TECHNOLOGY: For corneal scars and high astigmatism, topographic measurements are loaded onto the Excimer laser device, increasing the success of treatment results.


Femto is a prefix that comes before a unit to show one billionth of the unit value, i.e., 10^(-15). Second means seconds. These pieces of information indicate that femtoseconds are shortened to one billionth of a second.

Femtosecond laser is a laser whose pulse durations are in the femtosecond range. Due to these short pulses, the laser's temperature does not affect neighboring cells and is effective at the focused point, making the cut with the femtosecond laser highly precise. Due to the properties of infrared waves, bubbles containing carbon dioxide and water form on the transparent front layer of the eye, the corneal layer, with a size of 1-3 microns. With these bubbles, which provide tissue disintegration, precise, fast, and safe cuts can be made. This provides a significant advantage over traditional flap formation techniques.

In our center, we use the CARL ZEISS VİSUMAX femtosecond laser device.

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Femtosecond laser technology is a candidate to take the place of Excimer laser technology.

With the femtosecond laser, in addition to forming optimal corneal flaps, lenticules and corneal stroma can also be cut out. Refractive errors (such as myopia, hypermetropia, and astigmatism) can now be treated.

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