Farsightedness: Presbyopia

Farsightedness: Presbyopia

The case in which the eye lens looses its flexibility and cannot focus on the near after the age of 40 is called Presbyopia (old eye).

Presbyopia is a natural part of aging and is not an eye disease.

Presbyopia can be treated with CK, Presbylasik and Suprocor, Corneal Inlay. Corneal Inlay is the best treatment for now from among the existing treatment methods with a success rate of 90%.

Alternatives to eyeglasses or contact lenses in Presbyopia Treatment:

Monovision and Lasik

Lasik treatment leaves one eye with some mildmyopia.

Monovision treatment depends on benefiting from the ability of the people with mild myopia to see the near better.

In the monovision method, the non-dominant eye is left with a mild myopia so that the objects nearby can be seen clearly.

The dominant eye is adjusted to see the object far away clearly.

In monovision, the brain opts for the clear view and suppresses the blurry view. In a short time of adaption, it is possible to see both the near and the far clearly.

Nearly 75% of the patients are satisfied with the monovision method. Nevertheless, the adaption of the person to monovision has to be designated with eyeglasses or contact lenses before the laser treatment.

Monovision and Conductive Keratoplasty (CK)

Conductive Keratoplasty lifts the center of the cornea by thinning the collogen fibres with the use of low level controlled radio frequency about the cornea.

Conductive keroplasti (CK) was approved for the hypermetropic presbiopics in the year 2004.

Conductive keratoplasty is applied to one eye because it relies on the principles of monovision. Eye ezamination or tests with contact lenses are done for adaption to monovision.

After an operation which takes 3 minutes, improvement in seeing the near is noticed; however, the clearing of the view of the near can take a couple of weeks for some patients. CK is a minimally invasive method. Some patients complain about their view of foreign objects or oscillopsia but these complaints are transitory.

Refractive Lens Exchange

The presbiopia is correct by replacing the natural lens of the eye by following a similar procedure as in cataract surgery.

Refractive lens exchange is called transparent lens extraction.

The fact that the multifocal and accommodative intraocular lenses, having the ability to correct presbyopia, are FDA approved makes this treatment popular.

Multifocal Lasik (Presby Lasik)

The eye makes the vision clear by making the pupils smaller when we look at the near. When we look at the near pupils get smaller. In the polycyclic method of the presbilasik treatment (Miosis), we benefit from the miosis of the eye which occurs when looking at the near. The ring around the center of the cornea is adjusted for clear view in the middle distance while the outermost ring is adjusted to enable clear view in long distance. This is a very technical and expensive application which cannot tolerate any fault. This method is a research method not approved by FDA.


Corneal Inlay

Kamra Corneal Inlay determined the amount of light entering the eye with photographic effect (diaphragm) and increases the feeling of depth (pinhole effect) to enable focusing in the near.


Talya Medical Center applies and recommends;

Multifocal (near nd far distance) intraocular lenses and KAMRA INLAY combined with FemtoLasik to the patients found to be suitable after examinations and who do not want to use eyeglasses for hypermetropia in the Eye Polyclinic.

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