Esthetic Dentistry

Dental aesthetics changes depending on the sex, age, skin color or shape of the face of the person and is applied tailor-made for the person. Porcelain lamina, porcelain coating or bridges without metal, teeth bleaching methods, onlay fillings, zirconium bridges or porcelains over implant are among the solutions used for dental aesthetics. Besides being used for the treatment of breaks, crooked and bad looking teeth, aesthetic dentistry methods and surgery are used in the following cases:- To close the oral cavities caused by the loss of one or more teeth,

  • To correct the teeth with color differences,
  • To correct the natural cavities between the teeth
  • To correct excesses or lack of gums
  • To correct the cases in which the upper gums are seen too much when the patient smiles or to solve other problems relating to appearance.

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