
Cataract is a clouding of the clear lens in the eye. For people who have cataracts, seeing through cloudy lenses is a bit like looking through a frosty or fogged-up window. Clouded vision caused by cataracts can make it more difficult to read, drive a car (especially at night) or see the expression on a friend's face.

Cataract is the blurring (turbidity) of the clear lens of the eye and is currently loss of transparency of the eye lens and vision gets disorder by time. Most cataracts develop slowly and don't disturb eyesight in early stages. But with time, cataracts will eventually interfere with your vision.

Symptoms may include faded colors, blurry or double vision, halos around light, trouble with bright lights, and trouble seeing at night. This may result in trouble driving, reading, or recognizing faces.



Cataracts are most commonly due to aging. The lens proteins denature and degrade over time as well as th rest of the human body. This process is accelerated by diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. Environmental factors, which including toxins and radiation, lke i.e. UV-light, have cumulative effects.

Cataracts may be partial or complete, stationary or progressive, or hard or soft. The main types of age-related cataracts are nuclear sclerosis, cortical, and posterior subcapsular. Any of these types one type, or a combination of any of these three types, can develop over time.

Cataract may also occur due to trauma or radiation exposure, by birth or occuring following eye surgery for other problems.

Diagnosis is easy by an eye examination.

At first, stronger lighting and eyeglasses can help you deal with cataracts. But if impaired vision interferes with your usual activities, you might need cataract surgery. Fortunately, cataract surgery is generally a safe, effective procedure.

At TALYA MEDICAL CENTRE the PHACO-Method is performed. ("Phacoemulsification" is the most widely used cataract surgery in the developed world.)

In order to restore the vision after removing the lens artifactual lenses are inserted. There are different type of lenses with different goals of vision restoring.

Monofocal Lens: Monofocal lens is the standart lens type used in cataract surgery. With this kind of lens the vision for fasighted objects gets restored. For middle and close distance objects glasses are needed.

Multifocal Lens: Multifocal restores the vision for far and close distance object but leave the middle distance blurry, so still glasses are needed.

Since a couple of years new lenses are available to restore vision:

Trifocal Lens: These latest developement restores the vision for all three distances - far, middle and close distance. No glasses needed a lifetime.

Which lens type is suitable needs to be evaluated after an detailed eye examination by our ophthalmologist specialist Op.Dr. Mehtap Abay at TALYA MEDICAL CENTRE

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