Birth is the process at the end of pregnancy.

At Talya Medical Center, you can get reliable advices during your pregnancy with our staff doctor Op.Dr. Mehmet Abay .

With the latest technology 4D ultrasound, color doppler; your children are followed in every section of your child's development.

In obstetrics, you should be sure of the confidence of the gynecologist and midwife. Similarly, the choice of clinic and fixed occupied physician plays an important role. He / She will know the best way from the beginning to the birth.

At Talya Medical Center, you can decide together with confidence for the happy and healthy end with your doctor about cesarean section, spinal anesthesia, normal birth or PDA (Painless childbirth).

General inquiries:

  • Birth
  • PAP smear
  • Colposcopy and biopsies
  • laparoscopy
  • Ultrasound 4 D
  • IVF are some of our many investigations.

Gynecology Department at TALYA MEDICAL CENTER will inform you about your questions.


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