Op. Dr. Mehtap Abay explains:

Hello, I’m Mehtap Üçkardeş Abay, Specialist for Ophthalmology. In addition to my work as an ophthalmologist, I’m also a doctor for ozone therapy treatments.

The purpose of getting trained for Medical Ozone Applications was to support my patients who suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure.

My high blood pressure patients are lucky. With one tablet a day, they are able to regulate their blood pressure, but my diabetes patients not. This disease can result in loss of vision. It‘s a disease that affects the finest blood vessels and if the eyes are involved, it leads to bleeding of the blood vessels in the eye, to a malnutrition of the tissues and to what is known as skeletonization.

You can imagine the skeletonization as if unwatered soil tears up due to the drought. The retina reacts in the same way, and over time due to malnutrition new fine blood vessels appears bleeding, cracking and loss of vision occurs.

I have good experiences with ozone treatments for diabetics. At the very beginning we use 10 cures. Since diabetes is a chronic disease, we then do one application every month.We have diabetes patients who, after the first 10 cures, come to their monthly cure almost on the same day and at the same time, as they experience the effects of ozone themselves.

We have patients who were able to reduce from 3 tablets daily to 2, or from 2 tablets daily to 1, and patients with insulin resistance who do not need medication at all.

For these reasons, I love using ozone therapies.

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