For individuals aged 45-50 who prefer not to wear distant and near glasses and have not developed cataracts, multifocal intraocular lenses, which provide lifelong permanence, have replaced Refractive Laser Eye Surgery in this age group in recent years. And it's a fact that with the increasing popularity and demand, questions have arisen about whether Smart Lenses are suitable for everyone.

Certainly, there is also a increased demand from individuals undergoing cataract surgery for Smart Lenses, who have no other eye problems.

These Multifocal Lenses, also known as Smart Lenses or Premium Lenses, offer both distant and near vision without glasses, making them an attractive treatment option.

Here, the responsibility of the Eye Doctor is to select the most suitable eye for multifocal lenses. The most important parameters in this selection are the patient's perspective, the condition of the pupil diameter; which changes in different light environments; the health of the corneal surface, the absence of underlying problems that may cause ocular surface disorders such as Dry Eye, the absence of diseases affecting the central vision such as Macular Degeneration or other eye diseases, and no problems in the retina layers of the eye due to diabetes. In addition to detailed examinations, precise biometric measurements of the lens to be placed inside the eye are also important for optimal results.

Of course, it is also essential for the doctor to know the patient's profession, social life, and whether they lead an active lifestyle. Moreover, perfectionist individuals, whose expectations are very high, require that both positive and negative aspects be shared with the patient to ensure satisfaction.

Smart lenses come in various types as well. We do not highly recommend Ringed Trifocal (distant-intermediate-near) Lenses for patients who drive frequently at night or have professions such as driving that require a lot of vehicle use. In these patient groups, we prefer Ringless (EDOF) Lenses (distant and intermediate-near) instead.

For over a decade, we have been applying Multifocal Lenses at our center since their inception. Ultimately, our experience and the promises of these lenses offer patients the ability to perform all essential functions without glasses. Expecting perfect vision at every distance wouldn't be realistic. However, dependence on glasses does not exist in social life.

When applying Ringed Trifocal (3-ditance focused) Smart Lenses, even in patients whos eyes are suitable for these lenses in all aspects, we receive complaints of light scattering, especially at night, for 6-8 months, which then diminish and disappear. Here, the mechanism of NEUROADAPTATION comes into play. The eye is an extension of the brain, and our vision center is in our brain. Therefore, even in the most suitable patient group, we need to emphasize the existence of this Neuroadaptation process.

Also, based on clinical observation (of course, in the most appropriate patient group selected), there are patients who quickly go through this adaptation process, saying, "I'm doing very well, I don't use distant and near glasses, but I still feel uncomfortable at night, and this is tolerable for me." When they are convinced that it will disappear over time, our patients do not experience any problems. We should also be aware that there are very few patient groups in which Neuroadaptation develops more slowly.

I hope this article has been useful for you.

With love and respect,

Dr. Mehtap Üçkardeş Abay

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